JoinedNovember 4, 2020
Gubuk, directed by So Yo-hen, is a unique look at the experiences of “runaway” migrant workers in Taiwan, mixing fact and fiction, realism and the fantastical. As an experimental documentary that hopes to highlight the experience of migrant workers, the film is highly Brechtian Read More
In Trance We Gaze, directed by Singing Chen, proves a nuanced, complex portrait of man’s relation to divinity in contemporary Taiwan. It accomplishes this by working on multiple registers, touching on the many forms that man’s relation to religious worship can take within traditional Taiwanese folk religion Read More
台北的「台灣當代文化實驗場」(C-LAB)在 2020 年底開展了鄭淑麗(Shu Lea Cheang)所策畫的 LAB KILL LAB,部份活動也在線上同時進行。其中策展人四方幸子(Yukiko Shikata)以及麥可・康納(Michael Connor)邀集十組創作者以〈派樂基因〉(PiraGene)為參照,進行展演實驗。五組在 C-LAB 場地以及線上進行一週,另五組則由 Rhizome 以網站方式呈現,這些工作稱為〈岔派樂基因〉(Forking PiraGene)。 Read More
Taipei Suicide Story, directed by KEFF, is a beautifully understated short film. In this respect, the film is highly atmospheric without being effusive or overdone in the slightest. The film takes place during one night at a “suicide hotel.” The hotel is one in which guests spend one night; either they decide to kill themselves at the end of that night, or they decide to give life another chance Read More
Nomadland, a film that won Chloé Zhao an Oscar for Best Director, is a film that follows a woman named Fern who takes seasonal jobs to make ends meet as she drives across the country in her minivan after her husband's death. Fern and her husband used to work for the US Gypsum Company in Empire, Nevada, where they shared a company-owned flat. The US Gypsum shut down its gypsum mine and drywall plant, forcing people who lived and worked there to relocate Read More
Inside the Brick Wall—a film that can no longer safely be safely screened in Hong Kong—will no doubt prove a worthy historical document of the Hong Kong protests. Not only does the film document a key moment in the protests, but it proves a film encapsulating the dynamics of the protest in microcosm—and the subjective struggle faced by Hongkongers as a whole today Read More
Taking Back the Legislature, produced by the Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers group, is a powerful document of one of the most dramatic events of the Hong Kong protests of summer 2019 Read More
A few years ago during the one-hundredth year anniversary of the May 4th Movement, when members of the pan-Blue camp, along with various Chinese nationalists, were outraged by the Tsai administration instead commemorating the date as “May the Fourth be with You”—Star Wars Day, I guess you could call it Read More
有《農場我的家》這樣的電影,電影才可以被認定為有藝術價值。《農場我的家》創作的世界裡灌輸著奧秘、情感與美感。大師級導演維克托·科薩科夫斯基(Victor Kossakovsky)是一位很有勇氣,對於影像、音效有著強烈信任的製片者 -- 這部電影沒有對話,更沒有旁白,組成這部電影的整體經驗是攝影的現實與影像內的聲音。 Read More