數個右傾的外籍YouTuber成功在台灣找到了觀眾。他們時常聲稱他們在「解釋」自己國家或台灣的文化,有些提倡枯燥無味的消費主義、一種美國的生活風格,而且不吝以文化差距做為衝擊值來達到震驚觀眾的效果。 Read More
Several right-leaning foreign national YouTubers have found an audience in Taiwan. They often purport to “explain” the culture of their home countries or Taiwan. Some promote vapid consumerism, an American lifestyle, and play heavily on shock value by making a spectacle of cultural differences. Few, however, are as dangerous as American YouTuber Sona Eyambe (伊恩貝). Eyambe pretends to be impartial and to do “tons of research,” but instead his videos present common far right-wing conservative arguments Read More